Launching a new enterprise involves many problems and solutions. Being able to install a new vision successfully across all areas of the project needs a multi-disciplined approach so that design integrity can be preserved throughout.
The Flavour Sensation
When our client first approached us, his concept had no name, no logo, no premises, no chefs, no front of house staff or even an idea of which town he would open in first – the whole project was a blank canvas. The only thing he was sure of was that he wanted an American-style steak and burger house and that he liked the colour combination of red, yellow and black. By the time his first restaurant opened in Bristol, a year and a half later, we had been involved with naming the company and designing; applications to various local council planning departments, their logo – based upon a plate shape, interiors, the website, menus, stationery, advertisements, A-board posters and a range of icons for various menu options – Halal, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Healthy etc.

Sudbury House
Not strictly a new business launch, more a re-launch of a rather tired but established hotel and restaurant on the edge of the Cotswolds. It has now been completely refurbished and renovated, re-branded and boasts four star accommodation. Part of our brief was to design a modern logo for the hotel that reflected the style of the Georgian fronted façade and come up with suite of menu covers that invoke the styling of William Morris, founder of the British Arts and Crafts Movement. Other projects involved rebranding the building's two restaurants, The Magnolia Restaurant and Restaurant 56.